Festival Report Cool performance by a well- フェスティバル レポート 2013

Cool performance by a well-matched couple / The Human Fountain

Jesse and Amber are a just-married couple on the Sunday just before they flew to Japan for Daidogei World Cup in Shizuoka.

When we asked about their impression to Daidogei World Cup in Shizuoka,
Jesse said "people here are very nice and respectful to us and this festival.
This is really wonderful place. We are very happy to be here!"

And following his comment, Amber told us with a charming smile
that they felt they were really lucky since participating Daidogei
seems to be their honeymoon.
Her voice conveyed that they fully enjoy their first stay in Shizuoka.

The warm and loving couple from Edmonton in Alberta, Canada,
presents a cool and delightful water tricks.

Two kind participants picked from among the spectators accommodate Amber's request
and start pedaling to energize Jesse the Human Fountain.
Then, ......

Your help is vital to reach the climax of their performance.
If you hear the voice of Amber saying "could you help me?",
don't be shy, and give your hand (and legs & feet) for them!

yuki & hiromi

2013Festival Report in English / 2013Artist
2013/11/04 09:27 AM
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